Personal Coaching

Career Coaching 

Are You Happy With Where You Are In Your Career? According to a study "Sixty percent of people reported being emotionally detached at work and 19% as being miserable. Only 33% reported feeling engaged".  The question becomes, what can you do to be part of the 33%? There are a few questions one must answer to find success in their career:

Let our team support your career ambitions through business planning your life & supporting your growth. 


Starting a business can be complicated and Dees Partners can help! Our founder started a catering company in 2005. He made his fair share of mistakes, but went on to work with groups like the San Francisco 49ers, Blue Shield, Whole Foods and many others. Our team now takes those lessons and others to help small business owners and entrepreneurs find success. 

Our Entrepreneur Accelerator program offers the following services:

Email us today with the challanges you face and we will help you create a plan

Goal Setting

What Do You Want In Life? What were your biggest wins in the previous year? 

What are you looking to accomplish in the next 6 months?

Through a systematic approach, our partners will support you in conceiving, setting and tracking SMART goals. 

Life Coaching

Life is messy and sometimes we need some support in getting to the next level. We can support you in developing a vision statement for your life and working towards your ideal outcomes.